Meddevo Universität

Lernen Sie Digitalisierung kennen und gestalten Sie die Zukunft von Regulatory Affairs

Prepare yourself for Digitalization in Regulatory Affairs!

New technology allows us to optimize and simplify our regulatory processes, the maintenance and automation of technical documentation. This change of times and other possibilities will be developed in a shorter and shorter time. Prepare for these chances and challenges today. Develop the right mindset and acquire the relevant skills to shape the RA department of tomorrow.

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Meet the Tutors

"The MDR and IVDR are monsters, but we can manage it through intelligent and innovative measures. Structured and clear digital documentation is the first step to success."
Dr. Bassil Akra - CEO, AKRA TEAM
"The automation of regulatory documents and processes is an important competitive advantage for manufacturers. These skills are essential for people working in this area."
Michael M. Kania - CEO, meddevo
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